Eight hikers had a dream

which COVID put on hold

to take on Kosciuszko National Park

but finally, this team

adventurous and bold

began the journey, ready to embark


We went by car and bus

in daytime and at night

arriving at the Thredbo village late

good sleep came soon, no fuss

the day dawned clear and bright

we rode the chairlift; everything looked great


We set off from the top

packs loaded to the max

and soon were cresting Kosi’s upper flanks

a buoyant summit stop

with sunshine on our backs

ensured we’d hike the Main Range with full tanks


At camp near Charlotte’s Pass

the brilliant sky was clear

a cold, sub-zero night made sleeping tough

the morning’s frozen grass

still white, we packed our gear

as blisters formed, some feet were looking rough


Through ski resorts we trudged

so keen to get off-road

the power station marked the trail’s start

and Horse Camp Hut, we judged

a great place to unload

we cooked and ate in comfort, full of heart


Day three got underway

with many huts to see

and river crossings now a constant threat

a fun and glorious day

had really set us free

and Gray Mare brought the best experience yet


An eerie, silent night

dumped heavy, powder snow

our campsite now was plastered, postcard-like

but, soon enough, this site

was prompting us to go

‘cos “J Day” loomed; the focus of the hike


Though snowy underfoot

we kept a steady pace

our spirits soared, Jagungal now in view

but soon, we would be put

back firmly in our place

this mountain wasn’t easy to subdue


We battled through the bush

now drenched up to the waist

the snow-clad peak ahead looked out of reach

our “past-the-tree-line” push

was easier when faced

with wombat tracks, empowered to guide and teach


The summit, so hard-earned

euphoria so brief

our minds so scrambled, bodies now so wrecked

of all the things we learned

this might have been the chief

God doesn’t always do what we expect


We shouldered packs again

and hiked the fourteen k’s

to Mackey’s Hut, arriving after dark

this bonded group of men

in something of a daze

it seemed that “J Day” surely made its mark


Recovered by day five

and boots dried by the fire

we pushed on through the gloominess and wind

though feeling so alive

we soon began to tire

but teamwork kept the schedule underpinned


The fireplace of stone

could, no doubt, stories tell

amongst the wreck of Happy’s charred remains

though standing all alone

it served its purpose well

with hot drinks helping ease our aches and pains


Day six dawned dark and still

we had to find the track

though time time was short we still had much to do

we set off up the hill

the only turning back

to gaze at yet another stunning view


The end was now our goal

as Four Mile Hut was passed

depleted now, we really had to fight

it all came down to soul

our will was fading fast

until Kiandra’s ruins came in sight


And so the story ends

normality returns

in wrapping up, one fact is crystal clear

among these hiking friends

the fire within still burns

another challenge waits for us next year