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So far seedsAdmin has created 15 blog entries.

May 2018

Day One & Two – Google Earth Videos – 2018


This is my first attempt at making a video from the GPS data of the path we took on day one. It is best viewed full screen at 1080 dpi resolution or above.

Day One

Day Two


Day One & Two – Google Earth Videos – 20182019-06-27T13:15:24+00:00

What’s Next


So it’s over.

The hike that we spent so long preparing for is now a thing of the past. We have great memories, lots of sore spots and a heap of photos to look back on.

We also have a pretty good fitness base and a whole lot of expensive equipment waiting to be used again.

There has already been quite a bit of talk about what happens next. Some earnest discussion took place around the campfire on the final night of the hike – the perfect venue for such talk. Truth be told, we chewed the fat regarding future possibilities before this hike.

It is evident that our adventure has generated interest from beyond the eight men who participated this time. One of the challenges we face in going forward is deciding how, or if, we can accommodate such interest. Suffice to say we are open to the possibility of expandind the program. We are also cautiously aware of the importance of protecting the interests of the pioneering group who have initiated this thing.

At the same time, we remain acutely aware of the potential of an activity such as the one we have just completed. Many men yearn for an opportunity to challenge themselves like this. It’s exciting to contemplate the ways God could use such experiences!

I invite everyone connected with the 2018 Bogong High Plains hike to pray for discernment about how we proceed.




What’s Next2018-07-16T05:00:27+00:00

April 2018

High Country Test


I went to the High Plains to give it my best
prepared to be challenged and put to the test
I thought I could easily conquer my fears
but clearly, Mt Bogong had other ideas

I battled the rain all the way to the top
determined that nothing would cause me to stop
remembering all of the stories I’d told
of those who were claimed by the wind and the cold

But after the summit, conditions got worse
the breakfast I’d eaten was now just a curse
the storm all around me was worse in my gut
it took all I had to just get to the hut

I cried out to God, asking what I should do
He said, “If you want it, you’ll have to push through”
I might have succumbed to the doubt which negates
if not for the care and support of my mates

Eventually, I was stripped back to my core
and knew I’d encountered a spiritual war
I asked God to give me the strength that I’d need
and soon we were off with a will to succeed

The weather improved but terrain was still rough
Big River was cold and the climbing was tough
we pushed on to Roper’s, and as we got near
we had the good fortune to spot a big deer

The campsite that night was as good as it gets
the choice to continue had brought no regrets
but just when I thought my concerns were all fake
I woke in the night with a bloody tooth-ache

Inspired by those who were suff’ring with me
from blisters, exhaustion and bad dysentry
I made a decision to hold nothing back
with so many highlights ahead on the track

Enjoying the sunshine and flatter terrain
Mt Nelse brought a joy I could hardly contain
my brain was bombarded with thoughts of the past
I savoured them, hoping the moment would last

A milestone birthday at Cope Hut that night
was all the more special at such a great site
I heard a life story and felt so inspired
that all of a sudden I wasn’t so tired

Encouraged by such a great message of hope
I joined in the challenge to conquer Mt Cope
but as for the highlight, you just never know
’cause after Mt Jim, there were brumbies on show

The drop into Dibbins was largely unknown
discussions adopted a more sombre tone
our last evening meal was a sumptuous feast
a cold night preceeded the sun in the east

Our spirits were high as we got underway
a clear sky revealed one more glorious day
the climbing was eased by our now-lightened packs
we revelled in having the sun on our backs

More footage was shot at a Derrick’s Hut break
the goal clearly visible, ready to take
the pace slackened off as we got to the end
with one more imposing high peak to ascend

The view was superb as we stood on Mt Loch
it caused me to pause and reflect and take stock
emotion welled up under perfect blue skies
the mountains were now bringing tears to my eyes

I went to the High Plains to give it my best
prepared to be challenged and put to the test
I wasn’t quite ready for what would unfold
but now that I’m home, there’s a tale to be told


High Country Test2018-07-16T12:43:31+00:00

Why Hiking?


“What are you looking forward to most about the hike?”

This is one of numerous questions I’ve been asked in recent months. I’m sure all the hikers have noticed that what we’re doing is attracting a bit of attention. Other questions have been more incredulous in nature – like, “How far is it?”, “What do you want to do that for?” and, “Do you have to carry everything yourself?” Nevertheless, it seems there is some genuine intrigue surrounding what we are doing.

There are many things about this hike that I’m looking forward to. The opportunity to put our training into action in a challenging environment, the spectacular scenery and spending time in the company of a group of high quality men are all good enough reasons to go. I’m also excited about getting back into an enjoyable pastime that I’ve neglected for too long.

But the essence of hiking for me is its simplicity. You walk to your chosen destination, exposed to the elements and carrying what you need to survive. Possessions are minimal and are measured in kilograms (hopefully less than twenty-five), not tonnes or acres. Priorities are food and shelter. Other things, which are important at home, are unimportant in the wilderness. There is more time to think, without the distraction of high-tech gadgets. Conversations around the campfire seem more honest and real.

I’m looking forward to the inspiration which such an experience can bring. Perhaps it will also be a timely reminder that God calls us to be less concerned with our possessions and comforts, and more invested in His mission.



Why Hiking?2018-07-16T04:59:19+00:00

We’re almost there …


“The glory of God is man fully alive.”

St Irenaeus, bishop of Lyons (France), 2nd century AD.

The excitement is building, along with the nervous anticipation. For so long it seemed a long way off. Now we’re nearly ready.

As much as I’m looking forward to the hike, now only a week away, I also find myself contemplating the journey we’ve been on already. It is almost a year since eight men came together to explore options for an extended bushwalk. What an epic adventure it’s been so far!

Over that time, we’ve invested hundreds of hours in preparation. We’ve been talking, meeting, planning, researching, trying, buying, comparing, evaluating and, of course … training! I’ve sensed a strengthening of the bond between us as we have worked toward a common goal. Friendships have deepened and respect has been earnt.

It would be fair to say it hasn’t all been smooth sailing. As with any undertaking, there have been obstacles. Many decisions have had to be made, often involving compromise. Sacrifices have been called for. Collectively, we’ve overcome three surgeries as well as the ongoing demands of juggling work, family life and fatherhood.

I believe that we are about to reap the rewards of our hard work.

We are going to be in the thick of one of the most spectacular regions of our country. The effort demanded by this adventure will seem inconsequential as we experience so many iconic landmarks.

I’m not sure if St Irenaeus had bushwalking in mind when he coined the phrase at the beginning of this blog, but I can’t think of a better way to bring glory to our Creator than to spend time appreciating a magnificent part of his creation. It’s not lost on me as I read the Bible that God seems to be in the habit of speaking to men who put themselves in wilderness locations. There is something powerful about withdrawing from our comforts for a time and immersing ourselves in what he has made. I can’t wait to see what God will do during this trip.

So it’s down to the last few training sessions, the packing and, soon, the travelling. “Pay now, or pay more later” will soon be a thing of the past!

Let’s make this a memorable trip!


We’re almost there …2018-07-16T04:54:06+00:00
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